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Decision Matrix Template

Decision Matrix Template

Get started to create a decision matrix by simply using Venngage decision matrix template.

A decision matrix, otherwise known as a selection matrix, is a tool used to help you make the best choice out of many options by considering some or all of the criteria. The decision matrix template presented below can be used to build your own decision matrix. Decision matrix templates are great to use in the workplace when you have a lot of options and you need to make an informed choice. Your decision matrix template can include everything from specific job titles to grade levels, salary ranges, benefits offered, or physical location. You could also use a decision matrix template in your personal life by choosing which puppy to get, which car to buy, or which TV to purchase. Create a professional decision matrix using Venngage’s decision matrix template. Venngage makes it easy for users with little or no design experience to make infographics. Begin with adding your content, You can choose default template font or change it in the editor panel. Simplicity is key ,stick to one family of icons for a cohesive, unified look. For those who want