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LGBT Rights Map

LGBT Rights Map

This LGBT Rights Map highlights the anti-LGBT laws around the world. This is a great resource to help you understand where LGBT people are protected.

LGBT Rights Map is a tool that helps users find information about the laws and regulations in their country with regard to LGBT rights. If you are an individual who is interested in finding out more about the laws and regulations of your country regarding LGBT rights, or if you are a business looking to do business with countries that have favorable laws and regulations regarding LGBT individuals, then this map is for you. It can be used by both individuals and businesses alike to determine what countries would be good candidates for doing business in or moving to. It also has information on which countries have laws that are unfavorable toward LGBT individuals. This map helps users because it provides them with information about where they can live freely as LGBT individuals without fear of persecution or discrimination from others in their community. It also gives them information about countries where there may be legal protection for their rights as LGBT individual but where there is still discrimination against them from society at large. The LGBT Rights Map is made to be easily